We deliver to customers throughout the UK, Ireland and overseas from our dedicated warehouse located in Doncaster. Orders are processed on the same day they are received and delivery is made by our nominated carriers - usually this is within 2-4 working days dependent on customers requirements in the UK. Outside UK/IRE delivery will be confirmed once the order is received. Carriage paid orders apply to all UK and Ireland orders over £250. However we are happy to fulfil orders below this amount to the value of £150 but a small delivery charge of £10.00 will apply to each delivery in the UK and Ireland. Orders for territories outside of UK/IRE will be subject to delivery charge confirmation once the order is received. There are times when a range of products may be out of stock but our sales team are always there to keep customers updated on availability or advise of alternatives. Just email or call the team any time and they will handle each query efficiently and fast - as you would expect! |